“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Headteacher’s Awards

Well done to our Headteacher award winners this week. Well done to Charlie for settling down to work really well this week. Keep it up, we are so proud of you. Well done to Elise for always working her hardest and for being a good role model.

Headteachers Award

Well done to Carly and Lexi for reciving the Headteachers award for showing an excellent attitude to learning last week. Carly for having an amazing attitude to learning, always working hard, and having a great French Accent! Lexi for always being super every day and for having an excellent presentation.

Headteachers Award

Well done to our two pupils in class 7 for achieving the Headteachers award for those that have shown an excellent attitude to learning.

Groovy Lava Lamps

Our children took care when mixing the oil, water, and food colouring to create these groovy lamps. Look at how proud we are of our creations!

Y4 Plant Their Seeds

For Science week, year 4 planted their on kidney beans! They took care in planting their seeds, and have spent the past few weeks watering them daily. We can’t wait to see how our plants grow!

WPT Young Musician of the Year 2021

Students from across Wickersley Partnership Trust’s primary and secondary schools are invited to enter ‘WPT Young Musician of the Year 2021’.

FS2 & Y1 set the Wheels in Motion

Another great week of home learning in FS2 and Year 1. The children read the story of Mrs Armitage on Wheels by Quentin Blake. The children then have enjoyed drawing and labeling their own bikes. They have used First, then, next to sequence the events of the story. In science they investigated how things move, […]

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