“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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School Closed Today – 6th January

Dear Parents and Carers,

Unfortunately school will be closed today due to adverse weather conditions and the snowfall during the night.

We have completed a review of the site, local transport situation and travel of staff and have made the decision that to keep children, families and staff safe, we must temporarily close the school.

Staff will be putting a full update on dojo later this morning of how your children will be able to access remote learning today. We will endeavour to have this information for you by 8.30am

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused but the safety of the children, yourselves and our staff have to be the main priority.

Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)
Class 2 - Year 1/2

Accurate Measuring in Y1/2

This week, Class 2 have been exploring length and height. They have measured objects using non standard units such as paper clips, and cubes. The

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Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)

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